* Make sure that phpWebApp is installed (the directory 'web_app/' exists), and check that the path to it in 'config/const.Paths.php' is correct. * Make sure that PEAR::MDB2 is installed: --scr bash# yum install php-pear bash# pear install mdb2 bash# pear install mdb2#mysqli ---- * Install the database: - Modify 'db/dbaccess.sh'. - Run 'db/restore.sh' (which uses 'hgsm.sql' to create the DB). - Modify also the constants in 'config/const.DB.php'. * Make the file 'templates/menu/menu_items.js' writable by apache (this can be done only by root): --scr bash$ su bash# chgrp apache templates/menu/menu_items.js bash# chmod 664 templates/menu/menu_items.js ---- * Create the localization (translation) object files. Go to 'l10n/' and run: --scr bash$ ./msgfmt.sh sq_AL bash$ ./msgfmt.sh en bash$ ./msgfmt.sh hr ---- Read also 'l10n/README.txt' * Configure SSL in apache. Install and configure mod_ssl. You need to change the following options in '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf': --code SSLCertificateFile /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem SSLCACertificatePath /etc/grid-security/certificates SSLCARevocationPath /etc/grid-security/certificates SSLVerifyClient optional SSLVerifyDepth 10 ---- See: http://wiki.egee-see.org/index.php/Certificate_authentication_in_apache * Modify the GOC admin certificate subjects at 'authenticate.php'.